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Finding The Sun

Winter is such a special time of year, especially here in the North. The white fuzzy frost, glistening ice, stunning sunsets, bright twinkling stars, glimpses of the Northern Lights, undulating waves of freezing fog, the chance of sound dampening snow blankets, and the crisp fresh air.

However much I love the beauty of winter, I'm not sure winter really loves me. The cold seems to reach right to my bones, the endless wet days force me to retreat into the house and the darkness seems never ending. It all has me on the back foot, wanting to retreat and hibernate until spring bring back the light and the garden wakes up and comes back to life.

As a younger woman, I had Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD. I feel very lucky that I don't have that anymore, but when I did, I had some excellent help from my GP. The NHS are pretty well versed in SAD these days, and have a range of treatments available. I still use a daylight lamp when needed, and I make sure I always have access to vitamin D supplements.

So where does this fit in with Paganism? Well, for me, my mental health and wellbeing is intrinsically linked to my spirituality. I can't separate the two, and I don't want to. They work together in harmony, complimenting and supporting each other. Medication and medical therapies lining up perfectly with meditation and healing techniques. The combination of professional medical help and spirituality seems to make each element stronger, work better and have better longterm outcomes for me.

Over the years of dealing with varying levels of SAD I have developed little rituals, things I do during the dark days that actively combine spiritual and mental wellbeing. I thought I might share some of those, to hopefully give you dear readers some ideas to bring into your own daily lives.

Breathing In The Sun

I do this anywhere and everywhere I can. Whether that's as a passenger in a car, on a bus, in my bedroom, or stood in my front garden having taken a bag to the bins. It's quick, and easy.

Wherever you can, wherever you feel the sun on your face, take a moment to stop, close your eyes, turn your face towards the sun, and take at least 3 long, deep, breaths. While breathing in, imagine that light flooding into your body. It flows down to your lungs, envelopes your heart with its warmth and joy, and from there flows around your body via your arteries and veins. It fills and warms your entire body, recharging you with sunshine energy.

Calling In The Sun

This one is an extension of Breathing In The Sun. While following those instructions, either in your head, or out loud, ask the sun to fill you up with its loving, healing, warmth. You can also call on your preferred Gods or Goddesses to ask for extra help and healing.

Sun Water and Sun Charged Crystals

You've probably heard of moon water, but have you made sun water before?

It works in the same way, for moon water we leave water out in the moon’s light so that it can be imbued with the moon's energy. We can do the same thing with the sun. I like to make a warm drink with sun water, then sit on my doorstep in the sunshine to drink it, using the mug to keep my hands warm. It works beautifully when combined with Breathing In The Sun.

Sun charged crystals can be a great way of carrying the sun's energy with you. I like to leave crystal jewellery and/or pieces of sun stone on the windowsill while I'm getting ready to go out. They don't need very long in the sunlight to be charged up. I then wear the jewellery, or carry the sun stones with me for a little boost.

Please stay safe and make sure you're not creating a fire hazard with crystals in direct sunlight. Some types of crystal will fade in sunlight.

Sun Meditation

In summer, I always meditate in the dark or the shade. I stay out of the strong rays because I burn really easily. A few years ago, however, I started doing my daily meditations in direct winter sun. I either lay on my bed, or I sit in the bay window at home, feeling the light on my face. On especially dark or wet days I meditate with my sunlight lamp. I've noticed that my journeying changes slightly, and with the added sunshine I feel more invigorated afterwards. During the meditation/journey I ask for extra healing from the sun, and I see the light recharging my body and my mind. Permeating every cell, and adding energy to every thought and action.

I hope these little ideas give you a springboard for finding ways to incorporate the sun into your winter practices, and give you the empowerment to know that if you think you may have SAD you're not alone. Help is available from your GP.   

Until the sun fully returns, stay warm, and soak up every drop of sunlight you can find!

By Louisa Chisholm-Kelly

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